Environmental Issues in Melbourne

The electricity supply industry is constantly being challenged by the environmental organisations for polluting the landscape. The unit will address the issues and the challenges facing the power supply industry and highlight ways to improve the environment and not be seen as major polluters. In this unit students will acquire advanced theoretical knowledge, critical analytical and practical skills which can be applied to investigation and resolution of complex problem solving scenarios. The unit material has been developed to enhance students' communication skills, individual and group project participation and other professional capabilities important to environmental issues and sustainability in power generation and distribution. This unit is designed for postgraduate students specialising in the field of Electrical Power Systems. However, the content and perspectives have a wider relevance across energy engineering. The unit focuses on environmental issues relevant to electricity supply and delivery, and their potential impact on the future of the Australian electricity industry in the context of wider sustainability objectives.

Environmental Issues this Week

Environmental Issues Introduction

Environmental Issues in the Savanna

Environmental Issues of the World

Environmental Issues in World